Monday, October 31, 2011

Meeting in Turkey

(It is used only for educational purposes.)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

The association of miners in Bitterfeld

We visited the exhibition of the association of the miners of Bitterfeld. They have a long and interesting tradition and history.

Foto-shooting with the little star of the GoitzscheWelle-Kids-contest on the 1 june, Childrens Day in Bitterfeld in our butterflies-garden. And the lucky winner is tiny Laila.

Our project is where ever we are :)

Looking for the birds in the Goitzsche-forrest

In june, we controled the nesting boxes of the birds in the forrest Goitzschewald. Our guide was Mr. Mahler (NABU = Association of the protection of the nature). It was very interesting for our students when they found some eggs in the nests or bats.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The European Day of Languages, September 26, 2011

There are over 6000 languages spoken in the world. Behind each and every one of them lies a rich and diverse culture. That's why The European Day of Languages is a time to promote and encurage languages learning across Europe.

Never is too late to learn a foreign language !

Some students from School with classes I- VIII Ivesti have celebrated this day:

- reading poems by Mihai Eminescu, a well known Romanian writer, in Enlgish and French languages;

- debates on theme : Do you think that the study of foreign languages is dangerous for our national language?

- watching films about project's partner countries " Save the butterflies, save the Planet"

- watchig the film " Nauture " in all languages of the project;

- filling questionnaires of general knowledge about the project's partner countries.

Coordinators of activities,

French teacher Vasilica Maftei;

English teacher Vasilica Pintilie

Chemistry teacher Mariana Munteanu