Sunday, February 20, 2011

about Hungary - in short

Area:                                      93 030 km2

Neighbouring countries:         Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia

Time zone:                             Central European Time  (UTC+1)

Government:                          Parlamentary republic

Currency:                               forint (HUF)

Official language:                  Hungarian

Population:                             10,005,000 (2010)

Administrative division:        19 counties and the capital

Capital:                                  Budapest

Largest cities and their population (2010):
1. Budapest (1 721 556) (Будапеща, Budapeštas, Budapeşte, Budapeszt, Peshta
2. Debrecen (207 270) (Debreţin, Debreczin, Debreczyn, Debrecenas, Дебрецен)
3. Miskolc (169 226) (Miszkolc, Mişcolţ, Мишколц, Miškolcas, )
4. Szeged (169 731) (Szegedyn, Seghedin, Segedin, Seghedino, Segedas, Сегед)
5. Pécs (157 680) (Fünfkirchen, Peç, Pecz, Печ, Pečas)
6. Győr (130 478) (Raab, Dėras, Jawaryn, Дьор, Yanık)

Ethnic groups:                         Hungarian, Croat, Roman, German, Roma, Serbian, Slovak, Sloven

Main religions:                       Roman Catholics, Protestant, Greek Catholics, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism

Climate:                                  continental climate
                                      average annual temperature: 9.7 °C
                                      average high temperature in the summer: 23 - 28 °C
                                      average low temperature in the winter: −3 - −7 °C

Main rivers:                           Duna (Danube, Donau, Dunărea, Дунав)
Tisza (Cisa, Tisa)
Rába (Raab)
Dráva (Drava, Drau)

Main lakes:                           Balaton (Lake Balaton)
                                               Velencei-tó (Lake Velence)
                                               Fertő-tó (Lake Neusiedl, Neusiedler See)

- - - EST - - -

  • Lake Balaton is the largest lake in Central Europe (surface area is 592 km²)
  • Lake Neusiedl is the second largest steppe lake in Central Europe. Surface area is 315 km², but of which is just 75 km² on the Hungarian side.
  • Lake Hévíz is the largest thermal lake in Europe (surface area is 47,500 m²)
  • Hortobágy is the largest natural grassland in Europe.
  • The only cave-bath of Europe is located in Hungary, in Miskolctapolca
  • Elisabeth Bridge (spanning only 290 m) was the largest chain bridge in Europe to 1926. The original Erzsébet Bridge was blown up at the end of World War II by retreating Wehrmacht sappers. This is the only bridge in Budapest which could not be rebuilt in its original form. The currently standing slender cable bridge was built between 1961–1964.
  • The Metro 1 - known in Hungary simply as "a kisföldalatti" -, it is the second oldest underground railways in the world, and the first on the European continent.  It was built from 1894 to 1896. (It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002)
  • Hungary's highest mountain, at 1015 metres above sea level, is Kékes.
  • The deepest point of Hungary is located south of Szeged (at 75,8 metres above sea level)

Hungarian pupils

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